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P.O.BOX : 126899, DUBAI, UAE
+971-4 591 3998

Our Quality Policy

Our Quality Commitment

Our Quality policy has been
defined with the aim of enhancing our
services to our customers in terms of better understandingof customer reuirements, designing optimal solution to meet those requirements and building systems and process to ensure quality at all stages.

RKD WORKS management is committed to:
  • Developing and improving the quality management system periodically.
  • Monitoring process towards building quality in to our system and services.
  • Systematically evaluate and monitor the performance of our team to assure the quality.
  • provide timely delivery of services to our customers.
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness of QMS.
  • Identify the root cause of non conformities and subsequent elimination of same.
  • Provide periodical training of all staffs to understand the importance of Quality Management System
  • Enhance customer satisfaction

It has been our endeavor to create an environment of total quality as part of our culture in our system.To achieve this,we have been, still and forever continuously improve the standards of our peoples,process and services.